by Scott Slusser | Jun 13, 2012 | The Project
All gasoline engines need to burn fuel in order to operate. Contrary to popular belief, liquid gasoline does not burn – only vapor burns – so the liquid must be converted to vapor before it enters the combustion chamber. Enter the carburetor. Gas-powered...
by Scott Slusser | Jun 1, 2012 | The Project
After scouring the internet I finally found rebuild sheet for the Weber 30 DICA. It was printed by the TechLit Co. in 1974 with the id number 50-424-1. I will put the sheet into the Documents section of the site. This is a great find for me. It will help me...
by Scott Slusser | May 25, 2012 | The Project
In preparation of rebuilding the the Weber 30 DICA carburetor I decided to take as many pictures of it as I could. I wanted to have every angle. There are so many little pieces and I a terrified that I will either lose some or completely blank on where some go. So...
by Scott Slusser | Sep 26, 2010 | The Project
Since there was no luck in getting the engine turned over it was time to get the engine out and mounted on the engine stand. As the disappointment from not being able to take a ride this summer/fall fades away I realize that this is for the better. I will be able to...