Bruce’s Parts Bin

Bruce’s Parts Bin

Bruce’s has a downloadable catalog. Bruce’s Parts Bin 6 B Enterprise Court, Sewell, NJ 08080 (1/4 south of Rt 41 & Rt 47 intersection off of Rt 47 ( Delsea Drive)) Phone: 856-582-7770 Fax: 856-582-7444 Web: Email:...
Weber 30 DICA Correct Float Level

Weber 30 DICA Correct Float Level

Searching on eBay is like the digital age’s version of scouring junk yards. I found a rebuild kit on eBay for the Weber 30 DIC and I wondered if it would work on the 30 DICA. In fast I have seen references to a DIC-1, -2, -3, and A. So I emailed the guy and...
Weber Carburetor History

Weber Carburetor History

The Weber carburetor was designed to be totally adaptable to any size engine, for any purpose, at any altitude. There is no such thing as taking four of these out of their boxes and bolting them onto an intake manifold, and away you go. It simply isn’t done that...