Paul Vanderheijden is in Raleigh NC. Paul is very helpful and knows more about Fiats than you may ever need! You can also find him in the Yahoo Group
From the Scuderia Topolino website:
Who we are – Scuderia Topolino was establshed in 2001 with the aim of providing specialist, competition advice, parts and services for owners of Abarth, Fiat and Simca based automobiles.One of the great assets for Fiats on the web, Scuderia Topolino has organized a great Technical Advice page on the website.
Scuderia Topolino
981B Trinity Road, Raleigh, NC 27607 – USA
Tel: USA +919 842-3880 – Fax USA +919 462-8322
Email: –
Tel: Australia +612 8011 3505 – Tel: Germany +49 2151 4497022
Tel: Sweden +46 855 922 677 – Tel: UK +44 020 8133 8185
As a owner of a fiat 1958 multipla, I do encounter serious problems to find parts for my car, So I thank you for all the information regarded to Italian Cars.