Weber 30 DICA Carb

In preparation of rebuilding the the Weber 30 DICA carburetor I decided to take as many pictures of it as I could. I wanted to have every angle. There are so many little pieces and I a terrified that I will either lose some or completely blank on where some go. So before I get into taking it all apart I am going to spend some time documenting it in the state it is in now. I have found some information in various places and some rebuild kits.

  • Rebuild Kit @ Vick Auto Sports – $27.85 on 5/25/12
    There is no float in this kit but I did find one on eBay.
  • Rebuild Kit @ Fiat Plus – $36.50 on 5/25/12
    This kit appears to have a float. Fiat Plus also has lots of old and rebuilt carbs for sale as well as bits and pieces you can get if you don’t need a whole kit.
  • Repair Kit @ RockAuto – $16.61 on 5/25/12
    This kit states it works with 30D1C, 30D1C1, 30D1C2, 30D1C4, 30DIC, 30DIC1, 30DIC2, 30DIC4, 32DHSA1. Be warned I do not know if it will work, but it is cheap!
  • Rebuild Kit @ Mr. Fiat – $69 on 5/25/12
    No float in this kit. Mr. Fiat is always the most expensive. It says it is compatible with Weber 30 DIC 10/11.
  • Rebuild Kit @ Midwest Bayless – $17.99 0n 5/25/12
    No float in this kit but they do have the drip pan.

Here is a diagram showing all of the pieces in a blow up form. I think this will be very helpful.

I have added an image catalog in the photos section of the extensive photo documentation of the Weber 30 DICA. In the days to come I will be pulling it apart piece by piece to clean and recondition.