The door panel with all but the window crank removed.The door handle removedThis stuff fell out when I pulled the panel. It must be old hard weather stripping.The exposed door.It almost looks like an attempt at rustproofing.The other end. That is the door handle below.The Bertone logo on the door.Detail of the clamp on the bottom of the window. There is a clamp on both ends of the bottom window frame.Another view of the clamp.A better view. The wire is really chewed up.There are actually 2 crimps in the wire.I took the passengers door panel off to see how the wire ran through all of the pulleys.Passenger door.So that is where that spring goes. On the door handle.Rust through to the x-brace on the drivers side floorAnother view of the rust in the driver’s side floor.Yet another view of the rust.
1 Comment
on December 29, 2014 at 4:33 pm
Hello, I know it was a long time since the announcement of the mechanism window but I was wondering Baha’is you know what cable length.
The Fiat 850 Project is a chronicle of the restoration process of a 1971 Fiat 850 Sport Spider. I use a combination of my own images and images/tables/logos I found on the internet while I was doing research. If you own one of these images, please let me know and I will credit you or take it down.
Hello, I know it was a long time since the announcement of the mechanism window but I was wondering Baha’is you know what cable length.
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