This is an Italian company that stamps sheet metal into Fiat (and other) shapes. Prices are in Euros and high because of the exchange rate and I’ll wager the shipping is steep but if you need a piece they have some.
From the Website:
Our Company is situated near Bologna, one of most important italian hub as regards as communications and it is easily accessable because near to the Altedo highway exit – 20 KM from Bologna on the A13 BOLOGNA-PADOVA highway. Taking the above-mentioned exit, go on for about 6 Km then, you will be able to reach us in the Malalbergo’s handicraft zone Carrozzeria BIONDI GIANCARLO
Via La Cascina 4/a
Malalbergo (BO) Italia
Ph./Fax +39 051 872969
Web: http://www.biondilamierati.com/catalogo/fiat