The plugs were already out so I poured Marvel’s Mystery Oil into the holes and crossed my fingers.It is a very compact engine to say the least.First thing to come off is the engine compartment lid.The rear bumpers come off pretty easy.Finally you can take off the whole back panel of the car.Which leaves it very open and the engine accessible.The oil filter. Yes, it is a centrifugal force oil filter. Thanks to Jeff Guerdat from the Yahoo 850 group.The uncovered crank pulley, I hope I have a big enough socket! 1.25″ or 32mmValve cover removed.Tearing down the head.With the head and carb off, you can see some of the crap still on the number 3 cylinder.Another view of the block.the Weber carb, the head and valve cover.Cylinders filled with oil and covered up until Monday.I made this wooden marshmallow to put into the stuck #3 and smack with a rubber mallet. No luck though, the piston will not budge.Engine diagram from the service manual.Engine diagram from the service manual.
The Fiat 850 Project
The Fiat 850 Project is a chronicle of the restoration process of a 1971 Fiat 850 Sport Spider. I use a combination of my own images and images/tables/logos I found on the internet while I was doing research. If you own one of these images, please let me know and I will credit you or take it down.